Monday 25 November 2013

Something for Nothing

I have recently seen some Blog articles or tutorials showing how different modellers have built rocky outcrops from wood chips. These are some that I made from a handful of wood chips picked up in a Supermarket carpark.

The chips were cut at an angle and superglued to a rough oval of 3mm thick plastic card. The groundwork was built up with DAS modelling clay and further textured with sieved stones and fine sand.

The painting was simple drybrushing over a Chaos Black undercoat and further refined with some Citadel Washes. I painted the groundwork with my usual Snakebite Leather, highlighted with Snakebite/Skull White and picked out the odd stone with Grey, highlighted with Skull White.

The 'flocking' is simple railway modellers dyed sawdust - which is the same as the covering of my gaming table and I have added a couple of tufts of static grass and even some dark green ground foam to add colour.

The small evergreen tree added to the final piece was picked up at a Toy and Train Fayre some time ago and is glued in place with my hot-glue gun.

Total cost for all three pieces was less than a couple of pounds in paint, DAS and plastic card. In addition to these three rocky outcrops, I have also modelled a road-side shrine which I will feature in a future Blog update.

I apologise for the fact that there are no work-in-progress images - as I stated earlier in the month a whole host of images were lost off my computer when the hard-drive played up, luckily some images were still stored on the camera.



  1. Its always good when you can make something useful from something that is free.

  2. It is such a versatile building material, I had great fun with, once I managed to get the pieces that I liberated to dry out!
