Wednesday 13 November 2013

My Computer

As a certain Foul Mouthed Orc Sergeant might say - "My computer is totally b******d."

Last ditch attempts by my Son to resurrect the old 'Black Box' have failed miserably and a whole load of 'work-in-progress' images have been lost forever. At this moment I am working off my Wife's laptop with occasional input from my external hard drive, but a whole series of photos were totally destroyed.

Luckily most of the images for the second book - Building Wargame Terrain (book two) had been backed up, the images that were lost were a set of simple tutorials and On-Line Builds that I will now have to update without photos.

I am now in the process of sourcing a new computer. Normal service will be resumed very soon.



  1. Sorry to hear you have lost some data and pictures. You may want to consider online or cloud storage as a way to backup your stuff in future. I use mostly Google products to store files and pictures but there are plenty of other options out there. All require a fee but its only a fraction of the cost of buying an external hard drive and being 'off site' these backups are 'disaster proof'.

  2. Sorry to hear it Tony. I try to be good about backing up to an external drive. I should probably get over it and also utilize the cloud as Lee suggests.

  3. Taken with the end of Barking Irons, its bad news for me...

    Ive just built a frame to make a version of the witchland hovel...and started sticking lollipop sticks to it...

    Good luck recovering your data, I look forward to seeing the instructions that'll let me complete my model! (i live in hope)

    oh, and thanks for many excellent articles!

  4. While I'm sorry to hear about the computer I'm VERY excited to hear about the work on the second book!

  5. Buy a spare external hard drive as a back up.
