Saturday 16 November 2013

Scale Modelling step-by-step

I have just picked up this modelling guide, an Airfix Model World Special and bought from WHSmiths, Tewkesbury. The magazine cost £4.99 and is intended as a advanced modelling guide, covering aircraft, AFV's and dioramas.

100 pages crammed full of both interesting and informative articles which are very informative and beautifully illustrated. So far I have browsed the content rather than read from start to finish and each of the tutorials have been great fun to follow.

I have no hesitation in recommending the magazine to wargamers or modellers, I am sure that there will be something for everyone.

On a similar note when walking back to the car I popped in to the old second-hand book store on Tewkesbury High Street and tucked around the back of the shop were ten/twelve blue folders full of both White Dwarf and Dragon magazines being sold at £10.00 a binder. Some of the White Dwarf magazines were old and the Dragon magazines were around the 100/200 issue numbers. I choose not to buy any, as I am trying to de-clutter, but if anyone is interested, they were available yesterday


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