Friday 27 December 2013

Allura Nail Art for Modelmakers

I can images that some readers will be thinking "I've lost the plot!" But bear with me. I saw these Allura Nail Art beads in Poundland (UK discount store) for £1.00. The tiny round beads are perfect for small rivets - drill a small hole (slightly smaller than the bead) and glue in place.

The second image shows the beads a little better. So any scratch builders out there - especially Victorian Science Fiction modellers (who always need loads of rivets) go along to Poundland today and get your pounds worth of ready-made rivets.


Sometimes called Nail Caviar?


  1. £1 is a great price for these! I recently bought a bag of them from Amazon, and while they are fiddly, they do look great for very small rivets (i.e. actually close to scale...)

    You can just make out the rivets I used on a void armor suit here, so you can see how small they are!

  2. I have recently checked back on Lazergunpacker's site and he has a great tutorial on how to use these beads. See;

    Check it out.

