Thursday 26 December 2013

Frosty the Snowman

Frosty the Snowman (Snowminion). A Cryptmass Themed On-Line Build for Flintloque.

Just prior to Christmas Alternative Armies/15mm Miniatures announced that there were to produce a set of Seasonal Specials - Snowmen. The figures can be seen here. I wanted the miniatures to be 28/30mm scale, however they are 15mm!

I suggested that a Flintloque Snowman might be a good addition to the range, but was told that this was unlikely. A quick browse on e-Bay and I found this Limited Edition Mage Knight Snow Minion which was promptly delivered in time for Christmas.

The figure is cast in clear plastic with the head and arms cast separately.

I cut off the head from a Gunelean Bog Orc and with some Green Stuff converted the figure to act as a stand-in Snowman for my Flintloque Undead Army. It might have been better to have added a flintloque rather than a shovel, but the thin plastic arms were very flexible and I am not sure if they would have held a metal casting of a flintloque.

I wanted to keep the original clear plastic body and kept the Green Stuff modification restricted to the head and scarf and the base. The miniature is mounted on to my usual 2p coin.

Painting proceeded quickly - there wasn't a lot to paint!

The whole figure and base were varnished with Gloss Varnish.

And then Matt Varnish.

The final image is of a modified Oswald Pepperkettle alongside the Snowman (shown for scale).

A very quick (and seasonal) conversion. At this moment I am contemplating re-painting the Blue scarf Red and White to add a little colour.

I am pleased with the whole conversion, which I feel works well.

A Cryptmass Treat.



  1. Cool conversion work. I love him, loads of character.

    Do you use the same varnish on your figures as your terrain?

  2. Hi Matt,

    Usually. Galleria Matt Varnish. A water-based artist varnish which you can buy from The Range.


  3. Very nice work Tony.

    Unfortunately my fairy wand cannot make all dreams come true but I do my best.

    Your fellow will serve well in the cold climes of the Witchlands or an Albion winter.

