Saturday 4 January 2014

2014 and all that.....

With Christmas and the New Year now behind us I thought that I would look forward to what I am planning in 2014.

Gaming Shows;
I will be attending Alumwell in March and looking to be at a new show in October. Other than these two I have not confirmed any others that I will be attending in 2014.

It is very apparent that I have a lack of mounted figures in my Flintloque collection and I have resolved to rectify this situation in 2014. Look out for some On-Line Builds featuring mounted characters.

Flash Gordon;
With the imminent release of the Graven Images Cliff Hanger range from Crann Tara Miniatures (previously distributed via Monolith) I would expect some new posts detailing my 40mm Flash Gordon collection.

For some time I have been looking to increase the number of Turkish or Muslim Aeronef's to compete against my Knights of St John fleet. I even have some sketches and a couple of suitable hull shapes in my spares box - so look out for some scratch-built Aeronef's.

Pax Bochemannica;
I'm not sure where this project is going. I still have a number of unpainted miniatures which look like they might sit unloved for some time. This will not be a priority this year.

Building Wargame Terrain book two;
Construction of the featured terrain pieces is well advanced and I would expect book two to be available to purchase in late Summer. I will, of course be updating this Blog with full details.

I have been asked to build a 40mm building. This may feature in Building Wargame Terrain book two.

I hope that 2014 is productive for all my followers and readers and I will endeavour to keep up the number of monthly posts.



  1. Any chance of a re-run of the first book as well?

  2. Good luck with the second book. A re-run of the first would be good too.

  3. To Waitrog,

    I've sent you a message on your Blog.


  4. I'm also interested in a reprinting of the first book. And looking forward to the second too!

  5. Good luck with your forthcoming projects Tony, will look forward to seeing the results.

