Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Old Barn

This model Barn was scratch-built by Joao Sousa and inspired by the film The Brothers Grimm. More details and images of the model can be found here. The model uses many techniques already featured here and on other Terrain Building Sites. However I feel it is worth sharing for two reasons. First it is scratch built (always a plus point point in my book) and Secondly it is so atmospheric. Well done Joao.

I also like his choice of subdued colours which gives the piece a well used and almost threatening aura. The image has been copied from Tom's Boring Wargame Site, see this link for full details. Joao has also included some work-in-progress and detail images, so stop by and marvel at this piece of fantastic terrain.



  1. Thanks for the link, hopefully I'll get round to doing some ideas I got that were inspired by your book Tony.

  2. That's a great piece. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Really like that. Thanks for posting it.

