Wednesday 9 April 2014

Ludwig Von Barkhoven - for Flintloque

The latest Limited Edition miniature from Alternative Armies is this metal dog, Ludwig Von Barkhoven (code 56131). For details see this link The miniature is being given away free with all orders for Salute 2014. I received mine when I ordered some figures earlier this month.

Ludwig comes in a poly-pocket with one of those 'new-fangled' MDF bases.

I've mounted my mini on to a 2p coin - which is my usual basing material and built up the base with Milliput.

Decorated the base with some sieved stones and fine sand which was applied over uPVA glue.

Then undercoated the figure with spray paint Black and washed the figure with a dark Brown wash, ready for painting proper.

He's a characterful figure, full of personality and I look forward to painting him.


1 comment:

  1. Once again, an undercoated miniatures looks awful when painted!

