Friday 11 April 2014

The Great 1980's Dungeons & Dragons Panic

I recently came across this news report from the BBC and thought it was well worth passing on. For details see this link.

Thirty years on, I have nothing but fond memories of playing D&D and now wonder what all the negative fuss was about.



  1. There's a lot of fuss about violence and addiction in games and the influence they have - particularly on children. Rather banning everything, we could all spend more time having open and frank discussions about mental illness and bringing our children up and educating them in a more moderate world. Now, where's my machete...

  2. LOL, I helped write the material for the original rule set and the chainmail medieval rule set and never figured out what the fuss was all about, other than media types with no clue about what the game was or how it was played trying to grab some ratings :)

  3. I always thought the fuss was from people who thought it would turn you into a satanist (so mostly American Bible Belt types). I never understood what the problem was. It was pure fantasy and most of what we did was straight up murder people for treasure. As far as I know I am not a sociopath. People need to relax and just try parenting, instead of blaming xyz for corrupting their kids. And happy belated birthday.
