Friday 30 May 2014

Resin Foodstuff Basing Kit from Ristulsmarket

I was recently tempted to buy these resin foodstuff models after seeing a link on The Miniatures Page (TMP), actually a Tango01 link. For details go to this post.

The models arrived very quickly and well packed in a plastic clam-shell and large bubble-wrapped envelope.

For your EURO 8.75 you receive eight resin blocks with between three and eight resin items on each. I will point out that the blocks are very thin and easy to remove.  The detail on the castings is exceptional and I look forward to using them as 'clutter' items on my scenery/terrain (and miniature bases), in fact some of the items are perfect as miniature baggage to add to my Flintloque figures.

I am yet to use any (they only arrived yesterday) but am very pleased with the quality and the detail. I have only one criticism and it is a small one, I think some of the pieces look a little small, for example the water bucket. But this may be as I model Flintloque/Slaughterloo miniatures and these can be a little larger than traditional minis. I think they would be fine with 25mm - 28mm figures.

Additional items and models can be found on the official WEB pages here.

All items are priced in Euros. I paid for my items with paypal.
Full details;
Ristul's Extraordinary Market, ristulsmarket, Poland



  1. Thanks for sharing the info! I didn't know about Ristul's before and these look quite nice. I always enjoy market wares and stuff - they add so much to the table.

  2. What Chris said. Thanks for sharing, Tony. I'll look them up and may even order.


  3. Very nice pieces and good value - will be getting me some..

  4. Thanks for bringing these to my attention. I ordered some and they will be very useful.

    The resin is very strange, a soft consistency, but easy to work with...

  5. Hi David,

    I agree, it is also very easy to sand.

