Monday 2 June 2014

Building Wargame Terrain/More Wargame Terrain

Regular readers and followers will know that I have been working on a second Wargame Terrain Book. Details of Book One can be found here. I thought I would start this special post by making it clear as to where the inspiration for the book covers came from. The Airfix or Patrick Stephens Limited Guides. Here you see guide number 7, Warship Modelling by Peter Hodges.

However the main reason for this post is to show the first mock-up of Book Two - More Wargame Terrain. I suppose I should have a fan-fare Tah Dah. More Wargame Terrain. I have already posted details of the book, which can be found here.

There is still some layout work to be done and I will be having a proof copy (to check for mistakes and adjustments) prior to a full production run, but I now have something to show for my months of effort.

I hope you like the design. Expect more details very soon. 

As usual, you can see bigger images by 'clicking' on the photos above.




  1. Nice cover.

    I look forward to adding it to my collection (to sit alongside volume 1!

  2. Very nice, as above it would look great next to my first copy! I also like that the scenery will be more complex as I already used several of your previously described techniques in recent projects.


  3. George Warburton2 June 2014 at 23:46

    Looking forward to this!

  4. Ditto - great to see this on the way. Do want and let us know how.

  5. Hi Tony, I tried sending you an email about acquiring both volumes if possible (after my comment on the Notables) but I'm not sure it went through. Anyway, just letting you know I'm still keen, and look forward to finding out how to get my hands on a copy!
