Thursday 9 October 2014

Orctober Fest - The Flintloque Orcs

Happy Orctober. I have already had one post celebrating this great idea - see the previous post for details of my Olde Skool Orc Army, but this is my actual entry for Orctober Fest, a group of five Flintloque Orcs. Three from 54022 1st Artillery Crew and two from 54029 Royal Albion Engineers.

For details of Orctober Fest go to this link. And for details of the miniatures go to this link.

The figures have been patiently sat on my 'to-do' list for some time and the Orctorber Fest was a great catalyst to finally get them down off the shelf and start painting.

I have mounted all five Orcs on to 2p coins and built up the bases with Milliput before adding sieved stones and sand over uPVA glue. In this image you can see that they have been undercoated black with a cheap spray-can paint and then touched up with Chaos Black from Games Workshop.

For anyone familiar with my Blog this process will be very familiar as this is my preferred technique for basing and painting miniatures - a technique that I personally find better than a white undercoat and basing the figures after they are painted. I realise that it is (as my Father might have said) a bit ass-about-tit but it works for me. I also prefer working on smaller groups - 5 to 10 miniatures at a time rather than larger regiments.

Prior to undercoating the minis, I have modified/converted three of the group. The most obvious is the figure on the right, who has lost his 'peg-leg' and has grown trousers but there are added Green Stuff buttons and Shako decorations. I find that I am a addicted to pushing GS around and usually add some detail or other to my Flintloque figures.

The flesh areas have been built up over Snakebite Leather from GW and highlighted with Snakebite and Skull White before being 'washed' with Sepia and Flesh Wash again from GW.

Look out for more updates in my Orctober Fest.



  1. My normal practice is to take it one step further (than your described method) and paint on the basecoat for the base and then paint the boots / feet after, before doing the skin.
    I'm just on with my first Orctober Fest model myself.
