Monday 6 October 2014

Orctober Fest 2014

To celebrate Orctober 2014, I present my Orc Army.

The miniatures were collected and painted while I lived and worked in Swansea - that's over twenty-eight years ago. Boy does that make me feel old! The majority are pre-slotta base Games Workshop and feature the Orc Regiment of renown RR5 Harboth and the Black Mountain Boys. Most of these miniatures were purchased via Games Workshop mail order - remember the Mail Order Trolls?

Of note is the way in which the figures were painted - in most cases the chainmail is bare metal washed with Citadel inks before being varnished with artists fixative. The bases are card (which is now showing it's age) with Pollyfilla groundwork and broken cork boulders. The vegetation is dried flowers.

As was usual back then, each regiment featured troops of one style of casting with a different standard bearer, leader and in some cases a musician. I have used Milliput as the conversion material and paper for the banners. The shield device - a white quartered moon over a red background was further defined with a black drawing pen.

I never got around to naming the Army and each regiment was just marked with a simple Reg 1, Reg 2 etc. on the underside of the bases. Seeing the recent Orctober Fest post on Steve Blease's Blog prompted me to clean the figures up and photograph them on my gaming board.

I hope that you enjoy seeing them.



  1. Nice work mate. I have a soft spot for fantasy armies, especially orcs, as I started wargaming with WFB many many years ago. (you know you are getting old when you can trace your hobby back in Decades rather than years!)

  2. This really is a lovely army, the colours are just perfect and the mono-pose units are just so perfect.

    I hope now you have it down out of the loft you have a game with it. I'm sure there must be some chaps Swansea way itching for a game of 2nd or 3rd ed WH.

    I'm glad you shared.

  3. There's no school like old school! Absolutely wonderful.

  4. Old School Orcy Goodness! I don't think I've ever seen any of those miniatures before (which makes me feel young ;).
    Love how you've painted and based them. The banners and shields look cool.

  5. Fantastic army you've got there! I havent seen many of these miniatures, but there are plenty that bring back fond memories of my own.

  6. Highlights for me are the unit of slingers converted from the Monstrous War Machine crew Orcs and the trio of King F'yars riding Giant Carnivorous Birds - lovely stuff!

  7. Thank you for all the kind comments.


  8. Very nice; great shields and banners :)

  9. Wonderful wonderful stuff Tony. Always good to see armies of these orcs, and you've done a marvelous paint job. These would have been some of the first citadel figures I ever purchased, from Swansea model shop back in around 1982/83. Thanks for sharing!

  10. What a beautiful army!!! This generation of Orcs has always been my favourite. I love how put your force together too. Great stuff!

  11. Very cool army. My favorites are the giant and the orcs riding the flightless birds! I've never seen those models before.

  12. I missed this when you first posted it. A truly lovely orc army. I really like the way the moon device ties them all together, I'm not sure why I've always resisted the idea in my own army. Thank you for sharing.
