Saturday 4 October 2014

Blast-Tastic - Sci-Fi Wargame Show

Will I be the first with a show report?

Earlier today Sue and I visited the very first Blast-Tastic, a Sci-Fi Wargame show organised by Angel Barracks and held at the Filton Community Centre, Bristol. We arrived just after 9.15am after a horrendous journey down the M5 from Droitwich - it was raining cats and dogs and the numerous road works didn't help.

This was the first time I had exhibited my 40mm Flash Gordon collection and I was intrigued to see what the reaction would be, after all this is a very personal collection in a rather unusual scale. I set the display up with The Crashed Rocket Ship to the left and The Rock Kings Throne Room to the right. The figure display in the centre was built by me out of off-cuts of 18mm MDF board, the construction of which will no doubt feature in a future post.

I used a Flash Gordon LP cover (the iconic Queen soundtrack) which was bought from a second-hand record shop in Cheltenham. It proved to be the ideal backdrop and I then situated the miniatures over the table. I will tell you that when I told the record shop owner what I intended to do with the LP cover, he called over all his staff and asked me to repeat what I had just told him. I think they found it quite amusing.

I was not able to display all of my miniatures - too little room and a fair number remained in the storage box under the table. Similarly my Flash Gordon gaming folder and various books had to be displayed on a chair to the side.

Details of The Crashed Rocketship gaming board can be found here.

Here you can see The Rock Kings Throne Room gaming board, details of which can be found here.

The remaining images were taken by me at the show - I apologise for the quality of the photos, as the lighting wasn't that good and flash was far too severe.

Just look at the size of this box! I originally thought it was a display prop, but NO this is the box that the game comes in. It's HUGE.

Sue and I had a great day out and were on our way back up the M5 (this time in glorious sunshine) by 4.15pm. I would say that the show was a little quieter that I had hoped for, but the lack of paying customers was more than made up for by the friendly atmosphere and the ability to browse the other games and chat to the gamers and organisers.

I would have liked to have played some of the games, but felt that it was only proper that I stayed manning the display and answering questions. I did however pick up some much needed pots of paint.



  1. First report I have seen Tony. Looks like you had a good day and the LP cover idea was spot on.


  2. The last Games show I went to - Wartorn at Scarborough - was eerily quiet as well. I hope it's not a worrying sign of regional decline...

  3. The Flash Gordon collection looks very impressive. It was a few years ago that I found your blog due the Flash Gordon miniatures, something different to read about. Maybe the clash with Derby show resulted in less through the door?

  4. That's an excellent display, so I went back and scanned through your other Flash Gordon stuff :) excellent soundtrack, too. That movie was always a favourite when I was growing up. Great job, Tony!

  5. Shame I missed it, I suspect clashing with Derby did not help the numbers.
    Maybe next year.

  6. Hi.
    I would not say the show was that quiet as such.
    I would guess it had as many sci-fi customers through the door as some long established medium shows.
    The thing here was it had less than 100 people in through the door but all of them came for exactly what was on offer, sci-fi gamers at a sci-fi show.

    I would say that given it was a brand new show, with a specific theme it did quite well.
    Though I am bias!


  7. It was nice to meet you at the show and talk to you about the joys of painting.

  8. Nice to see the Flash Gordon collection there Tony. Sadly I couldn't make it over to Bristol to see it in the flesh.

    The OGRE box is huge, but there is a lot in it. Amazing the difference from my original edition which I can fit into a pocket.

  9. I would have liked to come as well but was competing at Derby.

  10. Here is another report - this time from the organisers Angel Barracks/Michael for details go to this post;

