Thursday 2 October 2014

Orctober Fest

Image 'borrowed' from Erny's Place

While browsing the Internet, I came across a post detailing this great idea; Orctober Fest. For full details see this link.

I am planning on two groups of posts for Orctober, The first will be in keeping with the main theme of Olde Skool Orcs so expect some images of my old pre-slotta base Games Workshop Orc army. I now have to get it down from the attic and take some photographs!

Secondly; I'll try to paint up a small group of Flintloque Orcs (an Orctober On-Line Build), Lord knows I have enough of them sitting about. Details to follow over the next couple of days.

I'd recommend that others try their hand at painting up some of their old lead (Orcs of course). this might just be the kick-start to your painting mojo that you have been looking for.

Finally, thanks to Steve Blease who's Blog post was the catalyst for this particular post.


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