Thursday 24 September 2015

Frostgrave Statuary - part three

Yet another statue for Frostgrave.

"I am well aware that it is becoming a bit of an obsession!"

Image Two - A Monster-in-my Pocket Hell Hound and two MDF bases.

Image Three - The two bases glued on top of one another and the Hell Hound glued on top of these.

I have used superglue to glue these pieces together.

Image Four - The base is my usual 3mm thick plastic card with the groundwork built up from DAS modelling clay. I have added some scatter to the base and in this image the whole model has been given an undercoat or primer of uPVA glue.

Image Five - The basecoat was a mix of black, brown and blue. You can see how I have mixed the paints on the model.

Image Six - The main colour is again black, white and blue. The blue helps to give the impression of cold and fits in well with the various Frostgrave illustrations in the rule book.

I have also tried to vein the base by adding thin stripes of both white and blue-grey. In this image the effect is very subtle.

Image Seven - The groundwork, painted in Snakebite and Snakebite/Skull White.

Odd stones have been picked out in grey - highlighter white and I have painted the six eyes with a red wash and a white pin-prick.

Image Eight - Once varnished the base was decorated with dyed sawdust (or railway scatter) and some ground foam.

Image Nine - In this image I have included my tried and trusted Flintloque Rifleorc to give an idea of the size and scale of this statue.

The latest model statue is 80mm tall and fixed to a base 100mm x 100mm.


By publishing this tutorial I am hoping that I can raise some money for charity. If you have read and enjoyed this short tutorial, I would ask that the next time you pass a charity collection tin or someone in the street collecting that you donate whatever you think fit and remember this article.


  1. By publishing this tutorial I am hoping that I can raise some money for charity. If you have read and enjoyed this short tutorial, I would ask that the next time you pass a charity collection tin or someone in the street collecting that you donate whatever you think fit and remember this article.

    DONE! Cheers :)

    -- Warburton

  2. I must look through my figure collection for odds and ends that will make good statues...

    Your pieces are very inspiring!

  3. That's brilliant! Great idea. Regards, Karl
