Wednesday 23 September 2015

Statuary for Frostgrave - part two

My latest piece of statuary for the planned game of Frostgrave is this Pillar of Good.

Image two - The main model is a Reaper Bones Pillar of Good (77246) that I picked up as part of a mixed-bag of models at a recent e-bay auction. In truth, I was more interested in the other models and this casting was relegated to my 'spares-box'. Skip forward a month or two and here it is being based and painted in just a couple of days!

I have based the model on a simple button.

Image Three - The model has now been fully based. From top to bottom we have; The Pillar of Good, a couple of spare coins (it is always worth hanging onto old coins as they are great for bases), the button and a rough circle of 3mm thick plastic card, cut and chamfered to shape.

I used superglue for the construction.

The groundwork is DAS modelling clay and some sieved stones and fine sand applied over uPVA glue.

Image Four - The basecoat is black, brown and blue. Try to get a good overall coverage as this will help with subsequent layers of paint.

Image Five - Highlighting with a lighter grey to which I have once again added a small touch of blue.

Image Six - The statue has been 'washed' with various washes, I try to vary the colour and consistency as I find this makes the stonework appear less monotone.

The groundwork has been painted with Snakebite Leather and highlighted with Snakebite and Skull White.

Image Seven - After varnishing with Galleria matt varnish the base has been further detailed with both railway scatter or dyed sawdust and some ground foam.

The Flintloque Rifleorc gives some idea of the size of this latest statue - the new model is 80mm tall and sits on a base 55mm x 55mm.


By publishing this tutorial I am hoping that I can raise some money for charity. If you have read and enjoyed this short tutorial, I would ask that the next time you pass a charity collection tin or someone in the street collecting that you donate whatever you think fit and remember this article.

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