Thursday 5 November 2015

Panzerfauste kickstarter - an update

The Panzerfauste Kickstarter continues to out-perform the original or initial goal of £5000. With the current total well over £25,000!

The remainder of my 'scratch-built' buildings are now looking at being achieved. First up - The Snail House, possibly one of the most iconic images in the Panzerfauste folder. Expect this one to be sold out very quickly.

The next is another snail inspired building - this time a Snail Breeding Barn! Yes, I know you have to be aware of the Panzerfauste back ground to understand this one.....

Thirdly and at £28,500 we have custom built wall sections - notice the reoccurring theme - More Snails!

Then at £29,000 is the Mushroom House, which has already appeared on a number of sites and blog posts.

With just three days to go - I wonder how many of these Panzerfauste inspired terrain pieces will make it on to the final Kickstarter deal?

UPDATE - Here is the link;
Panzerfauste Kickstarter



  1. is there a link here to the kickstarter that I'm missing?

  2. Do you have a handy link, Tony?
