Tuesday 3 November 2015

The Dr. No Dragon Tank

My latest published article is this 'scratch-built' Dragon Tank from the James Bond film Dr. No. The model is featured in the latest issue of Wargame, Soldiers and Strategy (issue 81 - November 2015). For details of the magazine please go to this link.

The model was built some time ago, but with all the publicity surrounding Spectre, the latest Bond film, Guy has held it back until now.

The model is constructed over a balsawood core with plastic card cladding and rivet embossed plastic card detailing.

It was brush painted over a black undercoat, with the 'teeth' hand painted. For full details see the magazine article.

I have, in the past been critical of gaming magazines for the editor's insistence that 'how-to' articles do not feature either large images or enough images to fully illustrate the building or painting of such models. Guy has ensured that this article has both lots of work-in-progress photos and clear, large shots to illustrate the construction and painting of the Dragon Tank. Well done.
