Thursday 17 December 2015

Leprechauns - Orcs in the Webbe day 16

Day 16 of this years Advent Calendar from Orcs in the Webbe and another article written by me. This time 'how I converted and painted a group of Leprechauns using Flintloque Halflings (Alternative Armies 57001).'

The full article can be found here on the OITW Webb site.

The article was initially written some time ago and has sat on the to-publish list for ages. Craig has done a great job with this and the earlier OITW Advent articles and I would hope that all who read this post will support his 2015 Advent Calendar.

The final image shows Oswald alongside some Leprechauns to show the comparison in size.

Happy Advent.



  1. They need a pot of gold as a baggage element! Nice work!

  2. Lovely work Tony! I love the wee folk me!

  3. "They need a pot of gold as a baggage element!"

    What a great idea - I've already started trawling through my box of bits for a suitable cauldron. Stay tuned for updates.

    Thanks for the idea.

