Monday 14 December 2015

Panzerfauste Terrain - Advent day 13

Day 13 of this years Advent Calendar from Orcs in the Webbe is another article written by me. This time detailing how I got involved in sculpting some of the themed terrain pieces for the soon to be launched Panzerfauste Kickstarter project.

The article shows some of the masters for these resin models, The Mushroom House, The Gnome Bakery, The Snail Breeding Barn and The Snail House. Details of some of these models have already been posted on the Panzerfauste Kickstarter pages (and on this Blog) but the article also details how the ideas and initial sketches were turned into physical models.

For details of the Panzerfauste Kickstarter please go to this link. While for details of today's Advent please go to this link where you will be treated to some rough sketches and images of pre-production models.

I would hope that the short article would be of interest to those that are following the Panzerfauste Kickstarter as well as terrain modellers.



  1. You've come up with very atmospheric terrain for this game! Well done.

  2. Here are some more images.


  3. And here are even more images.....

