Thursday 21 January 2016

"It's Cold Outside"

Not much to report. The freezing weather has meant that I have not ventured out to The-Shed-at-the-Bottom-of-the-Garden in over a week. I'm getting withdrawal symptoms.....

Hopefully things will change soon.



  1. Well, frost is better than snow! Fortunately my workspace is a room in the basement, although I suppose I could fit in a shed in the side yard.

  2. We've had 3 weeks straight of below freezing with a couple of small snow storms thrown in. I have 2 units completed ready to photograph for my blog, but it's way too cold to go out and get natural light photos. I feel your pain!

  3. Why not bring the shed inside? How could a loving and reasonable partner possibly have an issue with such a sensible plan? :-)
