Monday 18 January 2016

Star Wars The Force Awakens

No Spoilers!

Earlier today, Sue and I went to the VUE Cinema in Redditch and we saw the new Star Wars film - The Force Awakens. This was the first time in over ten years (and maybe even longer) that Sue and I had visited a cinema! We felt that Star Wars just had to be seen on the BIG SCREEN.

Since the film was released, I  have purposely refrained from reading any reviews or listening to Mayo and Kermode on Radio 5. So the story was completely fresh to me.

The cinema was nearly empty - I estimate that there was less than 20 people in the (large) auditorium. And I had forgotten just how loud modern cinemas can be. I enjoyed the experience, but don't expect to be returning for some time.

It is hard to believe that Star Wars - the original is nearly 40 years old. In saying that I thought Chewbacca had aged well - the same cannot be said for some of the other actors.

Well worth seeing - particularly if like me you are old enough to have seen the original - first time around.


1 comment:

  1. I remember queuing with my parents and little sister to see it when it first came out (1976 ?). My actionman wore his artic warfare suit for months afterwards as it was the closest thing I had to a X wing pilot's outfit.

    The new film - yes, I'd agree, it was a jolly wheeze - the story telling is slowly getting better, and despite the fact that I am old enough to be Daisy Ridley's dad, the real reason I'd date her is that she lives in an ATAT.
