Sunday 5 June 2016

Games Expo 2016

I have just returned from this years UK Games Expo which was jointly held at the NEC and the Birmingham Hilton Hotel. This is the first time since 2013 that I have visited Games Expo as I wasn't sure that this event was for me.

I'll start with a complaint; The day entry cost to Games Expo at £12.00 is much more than other gaming shows I attend and because of this I was expecting more. The cost of carparking at the NEC is another £12.00 - so £24.00 plus the cost of travel to a Gaming Show!

I'm not sure that this is really value for money.

Once I had purchased my ticket (you are able to buy your ticket in advance and for one. two or three days) my first impression was WOW as the hall is huge and even at 10,00am, very well attended. I was later told that there had been 9000 visitors on Saturday. One other point that sets Games Expo apart from other gaming (or wargaming shows) is that there is a greater number of both women and youngsters attending the expo. I would estimate a 15% - 20% total of the fairer sex, many of them dressed in Cosplay fancy dress.

I started by walking in a clockwise direction around the whole hall and then back and forth across the central area. This really is a huge hall with hundreds of exhibitors. Mainly board games, but a fair amount of wargaming stands, book sellers and Cosplay stalls.

I have to admit to being pleasantly surprised at the amount of games and exhibitors that had something to interest me.

After having a snack lunch and another walk around the hall, I decided to walk across to the Hilton Hotel and see some of the other gaming halls. The image below shows the X Wing Tournament.

While these are taken in the main hall and show some of the displays that appealed to me.

I didn't purchase that much but was surprised to see that I had still spent over £40.00 on bits and pieces.

I am not sure that I will be attending next year, maybe missing it for a year or two. I would still recommend it as a good if a little expensive day out.



  1. Agreed that it was a great show, with an eclectic mixture of interests.

    Also agree that getting into the show is expensive. I attended Warhammerfest earlier in the year, that was £25 I think. Not too bad if you are a fanboy, but pricey for the odd punter. Luckily, I am still a bit of a fanboy when it comes to Hobbit/LOTR!

    However, £24 for Expo, which is mostly a trade fair, I don't know. The Trade stands are also very expensive really. Maybe we are all spoilt by our small Wargaming shows held in sports halls?

    Salute is more expensive for trade stands, but we know what we are getting there. It's all wargames. On the other hand, getting into the show and parking is roughly the same price? I'd choose Salute over Expo, purely for the captive audience part!

    Just food for thought. No real point to my comment! But looking at them all together is interesting...

  2. I think Games Expo is an 'occasional' show - or one that I would look at attending every two to three years rather than every year.

    Salute is just too much for me, the travelling, the costs and the rugby scrum of a show, but once again I can see me braving the M25 at some time in the future.

    It was great to catch up. Now just get those Dragons Teeth cast up!

