Friday 3 June 2016

Record Number of Page Views in May

The Blog numbers have reached record heights with Page Views for May 2016 being over 50% higher than normal. I usually see between 8000 - 10000 views per month, this has been steady for the last couple of years. In May these numbers jumped to over 16000 and the only change I can see is that I have been mentioned on Facebook!

Thank you Rob.



  1. Check your user's browser stats I am regularly getting spikes of 150-200 views. All my extra traffic seems to be coming from Chrome on a Mac which is a weird combination even for war gamers.

  2. Hi Pat,

    You're right - the views are mainly from Chrome (83%) and Mac's (67%).



  3. And mainly from the United States.


  4. That is excactly as it is for me. Up from 8-10K a month to 16 now with spikes of about 140 views. Very annoying.

  5. And still climbing. Now over 18000 hits a month!

    Mainly Chrome, Macintosh and United States.

    Is this really just robots?


  6. I got a spike in May too. It beat by previous best month and was, on average twice as good as my usual...

    I only posted one blog post in May and that was towards the end ( I have been very busy with real life).

    Honestly, I don't know why it spiked, but I have a nasty feeling that it may be some aberration with search engines or the like, and not just a sudden increase in my popularity.

    The fact that I am not the only one who got a spike seems to support that theory...

  7. Thanks David.

    I'm still at a loss as to why?


  8. This getting silly.....

    Now up to nearly 20000 views - that's twice as many as a normal month!


  9. There's a "referral spam" robot doing the rounds. It makes it look like the view is coming from a website, so the web master will click on it to see where their traffic is coming from. That site then tries to sell web masters nonsense they don't need (or just loads up your computer with mal-ware). I've had it too, with regular spikes of 130 every few hours, coming from a Mac/Chrome/US... Annoyingly, it usually happens at the sort of volumes that it ruins your ability to see any other stats, and you can't really block it unless you own your own site / server.

  10. "There's a "referral spam" robot doing the rounds. It makes it look like the view is coming from a website, so the web master will click on it to see where their traffic is coming from. That site then tries to sell web masters nonsense they don't need (or just loads up your computer with mal-ware). I've had it too, with regular spikes of 130 every few hours, coming from a Mac/Chrome/US... Annoyingly, it usually happens at the sort of volumes that it ruins your ability to see any other stats, and you can't really block it unless you own your own site / server."

    It looks like my views are from the same source. About 136 - 150 views and hour in spikes, Mainly Chrome/Macintosh and from the United States.

    They are a rea; pain.

