Friday 30 December 2016

2016 a personal review

Like many Bloggers, at this time of year I find myself looking back at 2016.

2016 has seen my hobby interests become more and more like a small business, with magazine articles and commissions taking up most of my modelling time and stock of Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No. 2 - More Wargame Terrain selling out (stock of Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No. 1 - Building Wargame Terrain sold out much earlier). Then I had to work on Book Three - Models for Wargamers which became a priority towards the end of the year, but is now being proof read (expect publication and release around Easter of 2017). I am hoping it will be ready for Alumwell on Sunday March 12th, and should have more details very soon.

Rob Alderman of Hysterical Games has got around to casting up some of the 'Wave Two' buildings for Panzerfauste - details appear on the Blog, but even more new models should be released in the New Year,

My main regret for 2016 is that I have not painted anywhere like enough figures, but as any regular reader or follower will know, terrain modelling is taking over my life! I also found that I read fewer books than in previous years, but this was (in part at least) made up for by the amount of magazines I have purchased and read.

I think my model making highlight was having two magazines (different magazines) each with an article written by me on the shelves of W H Smiths at the same time. I think I have become used to seeing my name in print, but to have two articles in two magazines at the same time was a little special. Similarly, the last issue of Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy had two articles in the same magazine. Another landmark.

Away-Days were a little sparse in 2016, but The visit to St Fagans was very special and I can see myself going back once the latest round of improvement work is finished. 2016 saw me attend just three shows, Alumwell, UK Games Expo and Scale Model World (all three are detailed on the Blog). I would have liked to have gone to more, maybe in 2017, I will get around to it.

My hobby purchases have also been less than previous years, but in truth, more than I can reasonably expect to paint in my 'free hobby time'. I actually found myself selling-on a number of items on e-bay and I can see this continuing in 2017.

For now, I would like to wish you a Happy New Year with a promise that there is more to come.
