Sunday 1 January 2017

2017 - Looking Forward

In my previous post I talked about what had been the highlights for me in 2016. In this follow-up post I will be writing about my plans for 2017.

Firstly; Dampfpanzerwagon Guide No. 3 - Models for Wargamers. I have already written that the main content is finished, I am now in the process of having it proof read and formatted ready for publication which I hope will be ready for Alumwell WMMS in March. I am not expecting a Book Four. For the main reason that I have been commissioned to write for the Publisher Pen & Sword. The new book (and maybe even a series of books) will feature specifically themed books, for example Napoleonic Terrain and the first should be available within the year. In fact I have already started on the first two chapters.

Secondly; I have throughout 2016 been working on a whole series of 28mm/30mm Fantasy buildings and terrain which are planned to be cast in resin and available as a Kickstarter. At the moment the range includes over a dozen highly detailed models that will be useful for both traditional fantasy games and historical games. I have already seen some of the first and although I mastered them myself, I think they look fantastic (no-pun intended!) Expect more information and images very soon. The Kickstarter itself has no firm start date at this moment but I know that the plans are for a full launch around mid year. I will of course post links on the Blog once I have more details.

Thirdly; I will be exhibiting at The West Midlands Military Show, Alumwell, on Sunday March 12th. This will be my second time as an exhibitor and I look forward to showing off some of the more recent scratch-builds as well as launching the third book in the Dampfpanzerwagon Guide series - Models for Wargamers.

I would hope that I will be able to continue writing for Wargame magazines, but these maybe a little less frequent and my personal goal is to get back to painting figures, as I have missed sitting at my desk and painting miniatures.

Happy New Year.



  1. Happy new year! I look forward to seeing the books that are to be released! Congratulations on getting a publishing contract.

  2. A Happy New Year to you Tony.

    Your 2017 sounds to be full of promise and excitement. The thought of a book on maybe Napoleonic Terrain and the resin buildings suitable for both fantasy and historic gaming are my picks of the bunch.

    May you look back on 2017 with much satisfaction.

    von Peter himself
