Sunday 26 November 2017

An Industrial Narrow Gauge Adventure - the layout part ten

It has been a while since my last update and to tell the truth, this is because I was disappointing with the effect that the standard brick slips had given me (see earlier posts). I felt that they looked too uniform, too toy like and not like the hand produced brick effects that I had seen on layouts or building like those modelled by Marcel Ackle or Emmanuel Nouaillier.

So I filled in the missing corner bricks with Milliput and after covering the speaker with a piece of card and some masking tape, I let loose my Dremmel with a large grout-removing bit set to high speed.

Here is the result.

I think it is much closer to the effect I was after, with truly weathered and damaged bricks. I also like the natural colours better.

There is still lots to do before I can think about mounting it on the shelf layout, but at least I feel better about it. I believe that with any model, you should modify or re-work any item you are not 100% happy with - after all if you are not happy with it, why show it to others?

Hopefully this weathering will be enough of an kickstarter to get me modelling more features on the Narrow Gauge Layout.


1,000,000 Views - Prize Draw, see this earlier post.

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