Tuesday 28 November 2017

An Industrial Narrow Gauge Adventure - the layout part eleven

The shelf-layout plan calls for a copy of the open salt pan as seen at The Lion Salt Works, Cheshire (see illustration above and earlier posts). The brick built base to this pan has now been fully painted using a variety of different acrylic paints to show a well worn red brick base. The wooden sections have been painted in a dark brown with lighter brown streaks and some grey weathering and the wall ties are plastic wheels from a toy train set painted in a well rusted finish.

One of the features I wanted to copy was the use of white bricks and these appear to be very white in my images of The Lion Salt Works.

I still need to add some additional weathering to the wooden doors and supports, but this can be done later.

For more information see the Narrow Gauge label to the right.


NB. Free Prize Draw. See this link.


  1. I really like that brick work, wish I had the patience!

  2. Looks very nice Tony. Things are progressing quite nicely!
