Saturday 10 November 2018

Olde Nosey - part three

The first areas of real colour were the flesh areas of the face and hands. The base was a Snakebite Leather or Barbarian Leather colour (self mixed as my supplies of GW's Snakebite Leather are well gone) with highlights from the same colour with added cream or ivory craft paints. Once the area had been painted I sealed them with some Galleria Matt Varnish before adding a couple of flesh washes.

Prior to this image being taken, I had added a couple of small dots of lighter flesh to the end of the nose, the tips of the fingers and the knuckle joints. I have also tidied up the black areas something that I don't regularly do, but for this tutorial or on-line build, I thought it was worth it.

Earlier posts can be found here and here.



  1. Looking good...! What do you use to mix up Snakebite Leather?


  2. "What do you use to mix up Snakebite Leather?"

    My go-to is Leather Brown from Vallejo 72.040 which I lighten with some flesh.

    Have you seen this earlier post?



  3. Also seen on the Internet;

    Snakebite Leather
    1 part Blood Red
    1 part Enchanted Blue
    2 parts Sunset Yellow
    1 part White

    Good luck.


  4. Thanks! I've got 2/3 of a bottle left. I have tried the CdA range but they are not the same!
