Tuesday 17 March 2020

Joss Whedon's Firefly

Sue and I have enjoyed re-watching the 2002/2003 TV series Firefly on Prime. We were avid followers when it first came out but are now watching it again and there is so much that I/we missed in the first showing. It's a pity that there was only one series.....

For more information see this link.

There was also a film called Serenity.



  1. Love the series and the film. Heresy Miniatures do a few figures that look uncannily close to the characters...

  2. It remains one of my fav series of all time and not just in the sci-fi genre. Fox did it no favours when it was initially screened, putting it on late at night and even messing with the order of the early episodes. It's almost like they wanted it to fail. Stupid when you consider the quality of the scripts and cast and the continuing groundswell of support.
