Saturday 14 March 2020

Practical and Simple Wargame Terrain - part three

Miniature Wargames magazine issue 444 (April 2020) has the third instalment of my series of scratch-built terrain articles showing how I build and paint simple wargame structures from easily obtainable and cheap or scrap material. Part three - a Log Cabin once again sticks to my self imposed rules of;

1 - The model should be constructed from simply sourced or everyday materials.

2 - The model should be generic and able to be used in a wide variety of different games or genres.

3 - The model should be robust enough for wargame club use.

4 - The model should be finished to a good standard and resemble the building it represents.

5 - Finally, it should fit into a 6 inch x 6 inch x 6 inch box - for easy storage.

The log Cabin was built over a corrugated cardboard core with egg box card detailing and a lollipop stick roof. It was painted with various craft paints and homemade washes and hopefully shows what can be done with scrap materials and simple modelling techniques.

For full details of the build, see issue 444 of Miniature Wargames (the Salute edition).

As stated earlier, this is the third of my series of builds, and I have included images of the two earlier models to show a comparison. Firstly the Storehouse.....

And then the Thatched Hovel.....

I have one more article in the pipeline, but hope that I can continue with this novel theme for some time. Should you have any suggestions for future models/articles, please comment below.

I should add that the self imposed restrictions of using simple materials has helped me with my modelling Mojo. I would recommend similar projects to all gamer's. They are great fun to build and very rewarding.


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