Tuesday 14 April 2020

Flintloque Regiment Lowland Dwarves - part eight

The big change is that I have now mounted the eight Flintloque Dwarves on to cork bases to ease handling. It is an interesting fact that although I own a number of specialist miniature holders (some very expensive and all complicated to use) I still prefer the 'Olde Skool' Bluetack and cork method! I think there is a lesson to be learnt there.....

The bases have been painted with a Snakebite Leather colour highlighted with Snakebite and white and the odd stone picked out in grey (mixed from black and white).

I have also painted the boots and shoes as well as started to paint the backpacks (sorry you can't see these).

With the bases painted I always think the miniatures look so much better - now it's just on to the detail painting.

Keep Safe

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


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