Wednesday 15 April 2020

The Chapel at Rofenburg - part eight

Today's post is showing how the roof was detailed. I have used some balswood for the half round caping tiles on the lower roof area. The balsawood was first cut and then sanded to a half round profile and then trimmed with a snap-off bladed knife to get the correct stagger. Once in place I used some DAS modelling clay to 'bed' the tiles in place.

I then used some PVA glue and ready-mixed filler to which I has added some fine sand (I use sand from the Sahara desert which was gifted to me by Pam who brought it back after visiting Egypt - the sand is extremely fine almost powder) to add some additional texture to the tiles. If like most you don't have Sahara sand - you can use fine sand or even talc.

Small sections of card were glued to some of the tiles to mimic the small lead holders that are sometimes used on slate or tiles roofs. In addition I have used small slivers of plastic card to add nail heads to the wooded roof supports on the ends of the half-hipped roof sections.

I like to go over-the-top when detailing my model roofs as this is the part of the model that you see most (looking down on) when gaming. I would always suggest that if you are going to detail only one part of your wargame terrain - detail the roof.

Stay safe

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


1 comment:

  1. " I would always suggest that if you are going to detail only one part of your wargame terrain - detail the roof."

    I never thought about it but I think that is very good advice.
