Monday 11 May 2020

The Chapel at Rofenburg - part fourteen

The groundwork was basecoated with Snakebite Leather and highlighted with some Snakebite and Skull White. I have also mixed up a couple of very weak washes which I use to blend the lower wall sections into the groundwork. I use a two brush technique – where I wet the area to be painted, add small dots or streaks of colour (green, black, dark brown) and then blend these colours from top to bottom. The effect I am after is to just tint the whitewashed walls darker at the base and lighter the higher up I go. I think the images show this better than words.

Prior to finishing the groundwork I have picked out a number of larger stones with grey (which was mixed from Chaos Black and Skull White). The final job was a quick wash of GW Sepia wash.

Stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling



  1. A beautiful little building. The spire turned out great- really nice verdigris effect.

  2. Lovely work - it looks great!
