Saturday 9 May 2020

The Chapel at Rofenburg - part thirteen

The whitewashed walls were built-up over Vallejo Stonewall Grey, highlighted by adding more white to the mix and a final highlight of pure Titanium White tube acrylic applied with a hogshair brush in a scrubbing motion. I don't usually recommend using pure white, but in this instance it just works.

I basecoated the spire with Dark Brown paint from Vallejo mixed with Dwarf Bronze from GW. When fully dry I used Burnished Gold and Dwarf Bronze to drybrush the detail and then mixed a Dark Blue/Bright Green mix to add verdigis. This effect was further exaggerated by mixing Stonewall Grey to the mix and again a second highlight with even more Stonewall Grey in a light drybrush.

I have also washed the whole roof area with GW washes. The plasterwork was painted with a warm cream grey, mixed from Skull White, Snakebite Leather and Stonewall Grey. Then highlighted with the same mix with a little more Skull White added.

The model was now nearing completion and soon I will be finishing it off.

Stay safe and

Keep calm and Carry On Modelling


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