Friday 4 September 2020

September - Painting one mini at a time - part two

Both Charlie and Finley are enjoying me telling them stories of Robin Hood at the moment and I've been using some old Crescent City plastic models to illustrate the tales - these models are in a very bad state having been well played with and re-painted - as you can see.....

My first job in renovating the toys was to strip the paint and this was done with some mild soap and a cocktail stick to remove all those tiny flakes of paint.

I mounted to 54mm tall figure onto a 40mm round base and built up the groundwork with DAS modelling clay (applied over PVA glue).

The model was primed with Dulux Endurance house paint. I was researching how to paint plastic figures when I read of using Dulux paints. I had assumed that Endurance (the tough, washable variety) would be better than plain emulsion and gave the model a coat of Endurance Putty colour.

A second coat of the Dulux paint and the base has been decorated with some sand applied over PVA glue. The model was undercoated with pure white to which I had added some PVA glue.

The figure of Alan A'Dale was painted with standard acrylic paints and varnished with Galleria matt varnish before the base was decorated with a couple of static grass tufts.

I thought the red jerking was too red and toned it down a little with Leather Brown before re-varnishing. And here you have the finished model, ready to act his part in the stories of Robin Hood.

 Over the weekend, we had Charlie and Finley visit, I allowed them to play with the model and even with some rough handling, I can report that the paint has NOT flaked off.

Stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling


1 comment:

  1. Excellent work ! I also love to take damaged and "dead" miniatures and bring them back to life!! He 'll be a happy bard now :)
