Saturday 5 September 2020

September - Painting one mini at a time - part three

In my attempt to paint up some of the miniatures I have on my to-do shelf or Lead Mountain, I came across this 40mm scale Greek Hoplite Hero from Spartan Games. I'm not sure if they are still available but occasionally came up on E-bay. The mini was mounted onto an old fashioned (pre-decimalisation) penny and the groundwork was built up from Milliput epoxy putty.

I primed the mini with Tamiya grey spray primer and used Vallejo putty (the white areas) to add additional detail or hide seams.

The figure was painted over a light brown basecoat and I used lots of washes to build up the colours.

I wanted gold coloured armour instead of the more usual bronze. The highlight was Vallejo Gold with the rest of the miniature painted with various acrylic paints and a fine No. 3 Rosemary & Co. 401 brush.

The base was painted in a light earth colour and after varnishing the model, I added some static grass and static grass tufts. The image below shows the simple shield design I choose.

The mini is a little 'flat' (two dimensional) but I'm pleased with the way it turned out and plan on painting some more of the Spartan Miniatures figures for my Typhon project - for more information see the label Typhon on the right. Stay safe and

Keep Calm and Carry On Modelling
