Tuesday 20 October 2020

Hand tool restoration - a pair of utility knives

Another quick tool restoration post.....

The first is the simple Stanley 199A - I striped the handle down to bare metal and primed before spray painting it red. The red was left over from when I painted the red rocketship on the Crashed Rocketship Gaming Board (see this post). Unfortunately I can't find the 'before' images, so you will just have to be satisfied with the 'after images'. This is my go-to work knife and I can confirm that it has been and is very well used.

The second is this Draper TK202 utility knife. 

As you can see this was very well worn, with chips and dents. I repaired the major dents with a large bolt and hammer then removed some of the cast-on detailing with a file.

I stripped it down and primed with spray primer before painting it with acrylic enamels. I used a soft sponge roller to paint it, but didn't like the effect so 'splattered' it with more acrylic paint which gave it a rough texture.

This knife sits in my wife's gardening trug and is also a well used utility tool.

Both knives were restored some time ago as an experiment following some You Tube videos showing custom restorations of Stanley 199 utility knives. If you have time check out this link to see some fantastic restorations.



  1. Do you know what years the 199A like this was in production please?
    I've got one it's been in my kit since 1988, it was my dad's, it was old when he gave it to me.
    Best Regards Matthew from Merthyr.

  2. Hi,

    I'm sorry but I don't know. However there is a guy who might know.

    Scoutcrafter, you can find him here.


    Good luck.

