Saturday 17 October 2020

Hand tool restoration - antique mallet

Following close on the heels of my recent woodworking plane restoration, see this post for details, I picked up this wooden mallet from a charity shop. When I saw the mallet. I was not sure that I would buy it, it looked wrong - the head was too tall and boxy, while  the handle was too long but for just £4.50, I thought it was worth a gamble.....

I stripped down the parts - there wasn't that many!

Then started the modifications and clean-up.

I used simple hand tools to sand and re-profile the head, diluted bleach to clean the wood and then cut a 1/4 inch (6mm) strip off the bottom of the mallet head to make it less bulky. The handle had 30mm cut from the base before I polished the whole tool with clear wax. I think it looks a whole lot better now.

The distinctive dark grain adds character to this simple tool and in the end I think the restoration works. I have no intention of restoring more tools but I  have to admit to a feeling of satisfaction when I take a well worn old hand tool and restore it.



  1. It looks excellent. I like doing "odd" restauration jobs as well. It doesn´t have to serve any future purpose but Sometimes the satisfaction of doing it is more than getting most other "routine" things done.

  2. I hope you do more tools- I quite like the before and after photos.


  3. I agree.

    The satisfaction of reviving an old tool even if it is not used is really rewarding. By the way, the wooden plane and the mallet are not just for show - they have already been used.

