Thursday 31 December 2020

Book Nook - part two, the painting

The book nook was built as a Christmas gift for my daughter, for details of how the book nook was constructed see this earlier post. In this Blog post, I will show how I painted the model.....

I gave the whole model front a number of watered-down acrylic washes following the initial inspirational photo image.

Darker washes and some stippling defined the basic colours and tints.

Detail painting came next. I used acrylic paints and a wide range of different paint brushes to get the desired effect. During this period, I painted the book nook in my computer room so that I could keep referring back to the computer screen and the colour image of the gateway I used for inspiration.

The PHOSCAO poster was cut from a model railway magazine. I choose a poster with contrasting colours to add some interest to the grey/yellow facade front. White the opera poster (on the left hand wall) was cut from a magazine and weathered.

The metal bars in the upstairs window were modelled from florist's wire and painted in aged grey colours. I tried to paint the woodwork in well-aged wood colours.

The final image shows the book nook between some soft-back books.

Merry Christmas Holly.

Tony (Dad XXX)


  1. I love weathered wood, stucco and concrete in my gaming terrain and that is marvelous work.

  2. "I love weathered wood, stucco and concrete in my gaming terrain and that is marvellous work."

    Thank you.

