Sunday 20 December 2020

Ranke & Vyle No. 55 of 300

The recently formed Retroloque Facebook Group has over the last couple of days been searching for editions of the Ranke & Vyle rule set. I have to admit to not realising that this particular rule book was first; a limited edition and secondly; individually numbered and signed.

I knew that I had a copy somewhere and have just found the A5 booklet in the attic, hidden amongst 4 boxes of Flintloque/Slaughterloo information and leaflets.

Here is my copy - number 55 of 300.


Retroloque - A new Facebook Group for more information see this link.

Ranke & Vyle - First published in 1997. Ranke & Vyle is Company Level Black Powder Warfare in the World of Valon and written by Steve Blease. See this link for more information.

Flintloque/Alternative Armies - See this link.

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