Saturday 19 December 2020

Terrain Essentials by Mel Bose

My copy of Terrain Essentials by Mel Bose (also known as The Terrain Tutor) has arrived. I'll give a more detailed review once I have had chance to read through, but my initial impression is that it is quite a hefty tome and the production values are top-notch.

I found this You Tube flip-through should you wish to see more - follow the link for a comprehensive review.

I first started following this Kickstarter back in April 2019 and agreed to the $45.00 pledge for a soft-bound book. Since then the page count has increased to 192 and the cover has become a hard-bound book.

I'll give more details soon.


1 comment:

  1. It looks great, Mel is a really great guy and I look forward to buying his new book.
