Tuesday 30 March 2021

Scratch Built Narrow Gauge Ore Wagons - additional content

Following on from this earlier post I have included additional images to show how I built the removable loads for the three scratch built narrow gauge ore wagons featured in Narrow Gauge World - issue 154.

The three ore loads have been constructed from 3mm thick plastic card with real crushed rock loads glued over some blue foam formers.

The spacers were built from the same 3mm thick plastic card. At some stage it is my intention to add some magnets so removal will be easier.

Here you can see the three stages of loading/unloading. From left to right they are; fully loaded, partially removed (by tipping the load) and fully removed.

This final image shows the three fully loaded wagons on a stretch of 18inch gauge narrow gauge track. I will post more images soon showing some of the 'other' wagon loads that I have built for the layout.


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