Thursday 1 April 2021

Flintloque Dwarf Landwehr - the werewolf

With the eight Flintloque Landwehr completed I now started looking around for a suitable werewolf miniature, one that was rearing up and large enough to match the original illustration by Jakob Rozalski. You can find more illustrations here. In addition I wanted the miniature to 'tower' over the standard Flintloque Dwarf.

After a couple of false starts, I choose this Werewolf Alpha from Reaper Miniatures.

The werewolf is from the Dark Heaven Legends range - 03946 sculpted by T. Manor. It is a two-part metal model and will require some modification to match the Rozalski artwork. The werewolf stands just over 55mm tall to top of claw.

Expect more updates soon.


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