Tuesday 12 October 2021

More Trees

For the last couple of months most of my modelling time has been working on models for magazine articles but just occasionally you have to choose a project that is a distraction and in this series of short posts I will show how I went about adding more wargame table trees to my collection.

The first image shows a collection of toy trees that I have picked up over the years (some are over ten years old) and kept in a plastic bag, hung in a corner of the shed. While sitting at my workbench, I thought it was time I did something with them.

I choose the larger pale green evergreen as my fist patient (see image above) and using 6mm thick MDF for the base/bases set about modelling the first tree.

The trunk was both lengthened and thickened by adding some florist's wire roots and then binding the trunk and the wire with thread until I had a trunk I was happy with.

At the same time I started work on the MDF bases, cutting the MDF into rough ovals and then trimming the edges before sanding them smooth. The base on the right has been modified by gluing a metal miniature base to the top and then adding some slate chips over the top. I found it best to add these over hot glue as I wanted a firm bond.

I chose the thicker MDF rather than plastic card as I find that wargame trees need a little more support on the table and the weighted bases also offer more stability during gaming.

There are a number of Blog articles that show earlier model tree posts, for example - here and here.

In part two, I will show how I finished the bases.



  1. To make a trunk with trees such as yours, I content myself with drilling a small branch in which I slip the metal wire.
    Simple, fast, efficient, I don't even need to paint the trunk. Of course I have no roots but the flocking at the foot of the tree would have largely hidden them.

  2. I've used a similar technique, but find that the florist's wire works better for me.

    I also like to sculpt roots on my trees as you will see in the next instalment.

