Wednesday 22 December 2021

Christmas 2021 Project - part ten

The flocked board was sprayed with a custom mix of PVA glue, matt varnish, flow improver and water to 'seal' the flock and ground foam, then once fully dry I added odd clumps of dark green ground foam and different coloured static grass tufts applied over superglue. The skirmish board was then 'hoovered' to remove any loose scatter before these images were taken.

To recap, the homemade board is 32 inches x 32 inches and designed to be used with the new Osprey Games The Silver Bayonet. My plan was to have some impromptu games over the holiday period, but like many the recent news of a new Coronavirus variant has meant that plans for Christmas have been changed and cut back. Never-the-less, I will try to have at least one solo game to test out the new rules.

It might be a little early, but Merry Christmas and stay safe.



  1. I have a few terrain boards waiting to be finished and yours is great inspiration. I am intrigued by your mix for fixing the flock- I will have to look into making some of my own.

  2. The idea is not original - I first saw it on the Geek Gaming You Tube channel and can confirm that if done properly, it produces a very strong playing surface.

    Good luck with your own board.

  3. Lovely! I am sure it will be an excellent play surface.

    When you do play a game, it would be great to see a few shots of the board up close with figures.

  4. My plan was to try out a couple of games over the Christmas period. In fact I've been painting up a couple of proxy minis to go with the Silver Bayonet scenarios. I'm no longer looking to do this as we have decided as a family that we should hold-back on Christmas.

    Even so if the weather is good enough, I'll try to set up a couple of diorama/scenarios using my terrain and figures. You never know, I might even have a solo scenario.

    Stay safe.
