Friday 24 December 2021

Foul Mouth Freddy and The Great Pencil Fraud - Orcs in the Webbe day twenty-one

Day twenty-one of this years Orcs in the Webbe Advent features this short tale which tells the story of our 'potty-mouthed anti-hero Foul Mouth Freddy'. Foul Mouth Freddy and the Great Pencil Fraud, for full details, see this link.

The Orcs in the Webbe advent is a regular feature compiled by Craig and featuring articles, short stories and gaming resources for a number of different gaming systems, for more information of this years advent (and earlier advents) see this link.

Happy Advent and Merry Christmas. Stay safe.



  1. Apologies for the delay this year Tony! Had to get it uploaded though as Christmas just isn't Christmas without Freddy. Thanks again! We should meet up in a pub in Worcester for a game or two in the new year I'll buy the beer you bring the troops :)
