Saturday 11 December 2021

Small Stone Chapel - Miniature Wargames issue 465

Miniature Wargames issue 465 from January 2022 features this scratch built chapel designed and built for the Osprey Games game Burrows & Badgers.

The model was inspired by an illustration I found on the Internet and built from corrugated cardboard, foam and DAS modelling clay.

The model was built after my Survey in which I asked what type of models you would like - the answer stated that the majority of readers preferred a lift-off roof and so this model features a removable tiled roof and detailed interior.

For more information, see the latest issue of Miniature Wargames.

Some time ago I built this model forge with light up interior. The model is known as Finley's Forge (after my eldest grandson).

This latest model has been named by my youngest grandson and will forever be known as Charlie's Chapel.
