Friday 8 September 2023

Broadway Museum, Cotswolds

Sue and I have been planning an away-day in Broadway, Costwolds for some time and earlier today we drove out to this jewel of the Cotswolds for a quiet walk along the main street and a browse of the shops.

I saw this book - Recreating the Past by Victor Ambrose and Mick Aston in the secondhand book lobby of The Broadway Museum. I thought it was a real bargain for just £1.00, but when paying for the book we were informed that because it was the tenth anniversary of the museum, entry and cookies were free of charge.

It's been many years since we visited this museum, I think the last time was when the children were young. It was a great museum to browse and we both enjoyed the exhibitions - particularly the Tudor room display and the GWR exhibition.

For more information, see this link.

This is not the only Victor Ambrose book that I own - last year Holly bought me a similar book also full of illustrations.


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